AVIF to SVG online converter

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Supported image types: AVIF
Max file size: 200MB

All uploaded files are automatically deleted 1 hour after upload.
For permanent links you can use: https://ezgif.com/avif-to-svg?url=https://example.com/source-image.gif

Free Online AVIF to SVG Converter

Our online converter provides flexible options to fine-tune your results, allowing you to adjust parameters like color count and thresholds. Experiment as much as you like—there are no limits on conversions.

Converting an AVIF image to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) transforms a pixel-based raster image into a resolution-independent vector graphic. The quality of the conversion depends on the image's complexity. Simple graphics, such as icons and logos with clean lines and solid colors, typically yield excellent results. However, images with gradients, intricate textures, or fine details—like photographs—may require careful adjustments to balance quality and file size.