Supported image types: BPG
Max file size: 200MB
All uploaded files are automatically deleted 1 hour after upload.
For permanent links you can use:
Upload and convert BPG image to JPG.
You can choose output JPG image quality and background color.
BPG (Better Portable Graphics) is a modern image format designed to offer superior compression and quality compared to older formats. It achieves higher visual fidelity at smaller file sizes by using advanced compression techniques and supporting a broader range of color depths. However, despite these advantages, BPG is not yet universally supported across all browsers and devices.
JPG (JPEG), on the other hand, is one of the most popular image formats in use today. It boasts wide compatibility with virtually every device, application, and web service, making it the ideal choice for sharing and displaying images online. While JPG may not match BPG in compression efficiency or color depth, its accessibility and ease-of-use ensure your images can be viewed by anyone, anywhere.