HEIC to GIF converter

Upload image

Supported image types: HEIC, HEIF
Max file size: 200MB

All uploaded files are automatically deleted 1 hour after upload.
For permanent links you can use: https://ezgif.com/heic-to-gif?url=https://example.com/source-image.gif

Convert HEIC to GIF Online for Free

Easily transform your HEIC photos into GIFs using our complimentary web-based tool. Enjoy watermark-free results, no registration required, and unlimited conversions. Upload files up to 200MB and receive high-resolution GIFs immediately.

Steps to convert HEIC to GIF:

  1. Upload: Drag and drop your HEIC file or choose it manually.
  2. Press the Convert to GIF! button.
  3. Download: Retrieve your new GIF instantly or continue editing with our tools.