Optimize JPEG images

Upload image

Supported image types: JPG, JPEG
Max file size: 200MB

All uploaded files are automatically deleted 1 hour after upload.
For permanent links you can use: https://ezgif.com/optijpeg?url=https://example.com/source-image.gif

Online JPEG image optimizer

The JPEG optimizer can strip unnecessary metadata and compress JPEG images to reduce file size and ensure faster website loading times or fit the size under some software limits.

We offer 3 different methods for JPG image optimization:

  • losless - only strips all metadata, thumbnails and other markers but has no visible effect on image quality;
  • by size - enter the desired file size and we will try to shrink the file as close to this size as possible;
  • by quality factor - enter JPEG quality factor from 1 to 100. Greater number means better quality;