PNG to SVG online converter (vectorizer)

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Supported image types: PNG
Max file size: 200MB

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Free online PNG to SVG converter (tracer/vectorizer)

This tool provides you with several options how to convert PNG image to SVG. You can try and adjust them, you can perform unlimited number of conversions for free, so just play around with the values like color count and tresholds to get the best possible output from your image.

Converting a PNG image to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format involves transforming a raster image into a vector image. This process is not straightforward because these formats fundamentally differ in how they represent images:

  • PNG is a raster image format, meaning it is composed of a fixed set of pixels. Each pixel has its own color value, making PNGs ideal for detailed images with lots of irregular shapes, gradients, textures and noise such as most photographs. However, resizing a PNG image can result in loss of quality;
  • SVG is a vector image format, meaning it represents images using mathematical formulas that define shapes, lines, coordinates and colors. SVG images can be scaled to any size without losing quality, which makes them ideal for logos, icons, and other designs that require resizing.

Due to this difference, the quality and file size of the converted SVG heavily depends on the complexity of the original PNG. Simple images with clear, solid colors and simple shapes (icons, logos) convert more easily than complex images with gradients and detailed textures (most photos).