Sprite sheet cutter

Upload image

Supported image types: GIF, JPG, PNG, APNG, WebP
Max file size: 200MB

All uploaded files are automatically deleted 1 hour after upload.
For permanent links you can use: https://ezgif.com/sprite-cutter?url=https://example.com/source-image.gif

Online sprite sheet cutter / splitter / extractor tool

Free online tool for cutting image sprites into individual image files.
To use the tool, simply upload your sprite image, input the tile size or the number of columns and rows in which you want to slice the image. The tool will then slice the image into smaller, individual images in PNG, GIF, or JPG format, which you can download all at once as a ZIP archive. This feature makes it easy to save time when working with multiple images.

Additionally, the Sprite Sheet Cutter can also be used as a sprite sheet to animated GIF / APNG / WebP converter, allowing users to create animated GIFs out of sprite sheets with just a few clicks. To do so, slice the sprite sheet into individual components using the tool and then select the "Create GIF Animation" option under the output images.