MP4, WebM, AVI, MPEG, MKV, FLV, OGG, MOV, M4V, WMV, ASF, 3GP and other video files Max file size: 200MB
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Free Online WEBM to MP4 Converter
Need to convert WEBM to MP4 quickly and easily? Our free online converter allows you to convert WEBM files to MP4 format without any hassle.
No software installation, no signup, and no watermarks—just fast, high-quality conversion in seconds.
WEBM and MP4 are both popular video formats, but they have key differences:
WEBM: Optimized for web streaming, uses VP8/VP9 codecs, smaller file sizes, and excellent compression.
MP4: Universally supported, compatible with all devices, works with most media players, and supports H.264/H.265 codecs for high-quality video.
How to Convert WEBM to MP4?
Upload Your WEBM File: Drag and drop your file into the converter or click the upload button to select a file from your device.
Start the Conversion: Click the “Convert to MP4” button and wait for the process to complete.
Download Your MP4 File: Once the conversion is finished, download your MP4 video instantly.